Spoiler Alert released!
June 30, 2014 08:43 PM

Spoiler Alert is now released on Steam for Windows, Mac & Linux!
We offer the game in two different versions: the regular edition, which contains the game and a fully Steam workshop integrated level editor, and the collector's edition, which includes a whole bunch of delicios extra content.
Collector's Edition includes:
- 16 page comic book
- Full soundtrack + new tracks made specially for this edition
- Original gamejam version of Spoiler Alert - made in 48 hours, this is a unique insight into how it all began
- Concept art
- Deleted assets
- ... And much more!
Get the game on Steam now and get (un)playing!
We started development in august 2012, so now, a little more than 2 years later, we are happy and proud to finally launch our debut title on Steam!