
1 Month of Games
September 7, 2015 08:19 PM

All 4 games are released and can be found here.


Since releasing Spoiler Alert we have been working on a couple of bigger titles. And that's great!

But Spoiler Alert was released for the first time more than a year ago - and we haven't released anything since then. That sucks!

So, to take a short break and do something different (and maybe half-way insane), we introduce 1 Month of Games - 1 month during which we will release 4(!) games. One new game every monday. These will be small, manageable games, but hopefully fun as well.

The first game will be released next monday, september 14th - and we will aim to release it on iOS, GooglePlay and Amazon simultaneously, with additional platforms to follow.

I have no idea what I've just gotten us into, but the next month will be interesting either way...

If you decide to engage in the fun on Twitter, it would be sweet if you use our fancy and creative "#1monthofgames" tag. Yes, marketing is really not our strong suit...

Jeff Jensen